Scriptorium is the international journal of mediaeval manuscript studies. It is a biannual and multilingual publication that essentially deals with codicology, the cultural context and the bibliography relating to European mediaeval manuscripts. For more information...
The Bulletin codicologique is the bibliography about medieval manuscripts studies and the second part of Scriptorium. Every year, at least 500 reviews of articles and recent publications dedicated to European mediaeval manuscripts are published in it. For more information...
Online tools for the study of European medieval manuscripts and the index published in Scriptorium are available on the website. For more information...
The journal Scriptorium and the Bulletin codicologique have been digitized. The volumes are available on the digital library Persé with a five years moving wall. All volumes until 2018 are now online, the following five volumes are currently being processed.
Volume LXXVI (2022) is now published - Table of contents The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the journal's publication schedule; we are doing our utmost to make up for lost time.
Bibliographic metadata from reviews published in the volume 2022 of Bulletin codicologique have been added.
All volumes of the journal Scriptorium and the Bulletin codicologique between 1946 and 2018 are available on Persée.