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How to search for a manuscript ?

Where ?
How ?
Search simulation
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How to search for a bibliographic reference ?

Where ?
How ?
Search simulation

How to consult a table of contents in Scriptorium ?

Where and how ?

How to consult the standard list of the towns and archival institutions ?

Where and how ?

How to consult the alphabetical table of reviewers ?

Where and how ?

Links to other sites ?

Where and how ?

How to modify the navigation language ?

Where and how ?

How to contact us ?

Where and how ?

Other questions ?

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How to search for a manuscript ?

Where ?

A form allows you to make a search within the general index of manuscripts cited in Scriptorium and in the Bulletin codicologique since 1946. There are two ways to access this form :

How ?

The search form is made up of five successive fields that are independent from each other. Therefore, it can only be partially filled in. The fields "Country", City and Institute of preservation can be selected from the scroll lists.


This index includes the classification marks of the manuscripts such as they appear in Scriptorium and the Bulletin codicologique. However, these have been checked, corrected, standardized and extended to ensure users have a reliable and coherent tool at their disposal. This index does not claim to provide information regarding the origin or the history of the manuscripts, nor does it provide the possible update of the classification marks it contains; its primary objective is to list and gather all bibliographic citations that have appeared in Scriptorium or the Bulletin codicologique relating to the desired manuscripts.

Search simulation

Example: you would like to obtain the bibliographic references of a manuscript kept at the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in Florence, whose classification mark is " Amiatino 1 ". In order to do so, you must carry out the following operations :

Search result

The number of references obtained is followed by a list of each of these references, composed successively of the country, the town, the archival institution, the classification mark, the year of the Scriptorium journal and sends you to the issue of the Bulletin codicologique (B), the page in Scriptorium (p.) or to a plate (illustration) in the journal (pl.).

Certain results underlined in blue are hyperlinked, and therefore take you directly to the bibliographic reference of the Bulletin codicologique review that contains the classification mark of the manuscript you are searching for.

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How to search for a bibliographic reference ?

Where ?

A form allows you to search within the catalographic index of the works and articles listed and published in the Bulletin codicologique. There are two ways to access this form :

How ?

This form allows you to search the database according to different parameters: author, title or words in the title, etc. Its principle allows you to complete one or more fields according to the elements you possess.

Search simulation

Example: you wish to know if the database includes works or articles on the Golden Fleece:

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How to consult a table of contents in Scriptorium ?

Where and how ?

A page dedicated to the tables of contents in Scriptorium allows you to access each annual summary of the journal, from its creation up until today, by clicking on the desired year. There are two ways to access this page :


The titles or words of the title written in Greek in the volumes printed in Scriptorium, have been transcribed and their accentuation simplified in order to standardise and facilitate the future encoding of this data. The Latin transcriptions are indicated in red and are accompanied by a French translation [between square brackets].

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How to consult the standard list of the towns and archival institutions ?

Where and how ?

You can access the list of towns and archival institutions from our catalogue (2nd button on the vertical menu on the left of the screen) or by clicking on the " Catalogue and search " button (4th button on the horizontal menu at the top of the screen, then 4th button on the vertical sub-menu entitled " Archival institutions ", on the left of the screen).
This page, dedicated to places and institutions, opens onto an alphabetical index that allows you to directly access the desired letter.
Each town appears in its original form and also possibly in French, German and English. The country figures afterwards (between brackets) and always in French.


Far from being exhaustive, the list of towns and archival institutions includes the institutions in whose database the classifications marks of the manuscripts currently figure. This list will therefore be extended during the encoding process and with the introduction of additional indexes. It currently includes the towns and the archival institutions mentioned in Scriptorium and in the Bulletin codicologique.

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How to consult the alphabetical table of reviewers ?

Where and how ?

You can access the table dedicated to the reviewers for the Bulletin codicologique from our catalogue (2nd button on the vertical menu on the left of the screen) or by clicking on the " Catalogue and search " button (4th button on the horizontal menu at the top of the screen, then 5th button on the vertical sub-menu entitled " Alphabetical table of reviewers ", on the left of the screen).
This page opens onto an alphabetical index that allows you to directly access the desired letter.


The alphabetical table of reviewers lists the names of the members who have contributed to our Bulletin since 1990 up until today, as well as the numbers of the reviews they have written. The preceding years will be dealt with at a later date.

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Links to other sites ?

Where and how ?

The " links " button (above the horizontal menu at the top of the screen and next to the " Homepage " button) allows a specific and targeted electronic address book to be displayed that currently includes some 40 useful addresses. The links mentioned here connect you to the websites of our main scientific partners and to sites specialising in the science of codicology and mediaeval iconography. To do this, just click on the internet address of the selected site. A window will appear over the links page, allowing you to consult the pages in parallel without quitting our site.


The general list of links will be completed, as we continue our investigations, with the sites of scientific journals that have an index of manuscripts like Scriptorium.

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How to modify the navigation language ?

Where and how ?

Four languages are available : French, English, Dutch and German.
To modify the navigation language, click on one of the three buttons on the horizontal menu (at the top of the screen), indicated by the letters FR (for French), EN (for English), NL (for Dutch) and DE (for German).


Only certain parts of the site are available in English and Dutch. They include : the complete translation of the presentation pages, the history and biographies ; the partial organisation of documents such as the standard list of archival institutions, the tables of contents of the journal as well as search forms (translation of file titles, instructions for use, warnings).

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How to contact us ?

Where and how ?

The " Contacts and subscriptions " button (5th button on the horizontal menu at the top of the screen) gives access to the information necessary for subscribing to the journal, sending works for review to the editorial staff, and it allows the various collaborators to send their articles and reviews. You can also contact us by e-mail by clicking HERE

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